Richard T. Stuebi
Future Energy Advisors
Richard is an extremely intelligent and highly motivated individual with a strong sense of integrity. He quickly recognizes strategic opportunities and issues presenting themselves to a business. As a result of his willingness to delve into the details, he is able to develop thorough plans to take advantage of such situations identifying the organizational structure and resources required to facilitate execution.
Company CFO
Richard is a very bright, analytical thinker resulting in effective option analysis and pertinent recommendations. His deep understanding of, and attention to, all facets of business operations leads to effectively managing projects to reach organizational goals. His intellectual capacity to understand details results in an infectious passion and drive to improve/achieve results.
Company CEO
Richard is a highly intelligent, thoughtful, analytical person who has a deep understanding of energy markets, competitors, technology, and the regulatory and market forces that are shaping the future of the industry. He is meticulous in his research and balanced in his conclusions. He is patient and kind with people and sensitive to others' needs.
Venture Capital Partner
Richard is the kind of person you want on your team - enthusiastic, diligent, and very thorough. I have worked with him over the past ten years in various capacities, from consultant to team member to director and as a result we have had many successes. So, what does that mean? If you want new ideas, answers, and someone to move the ball forward, give it to Richard.
Company President
Richard clearly has a tremendous wealth of experience and managed to navigate complex internal structures very effectively with a high degree of professionalism.
Venture Capital Partner
Richard proved to be VERY knowledgeable about the industry, with interesting contacts, sources of information and overall background information, leveraging his long tenure in the industry. Richard was also very easy to work with, being easily available, despite short notice and time zones between the US West Coast and France.
Strategy Executive
I have worked with Richard on several occasions. Over time, he has become one of my all-time favorite business partners. He has a keen mind and highly developed business skills, and I have come to appreciate his penetrating insight into multiple business situations. He has impeccable integrity and is willing to state the truth despite political pressures in opposition. Most of all, he has a much appreciated open and collaborative nature with the easy style associated with a low ego mentality.
Company CEO
We engaged Richard to advise us on market analysis, product and business case development. Richard offers an excellent blend of intellect, analytical and personal skills. Richard worked directly and related well with the company's owners, Board and staff in often stressful moments of a start-up. He sees the big picture and gets the real work done.
Company CEO
Phone: +1 440.715.5925
Email: rts@fea.global